Backing up your company data is probably one of the most important things you'll ever do via your PC.
If the worst happens, you'll always have somewhere to start from again but you need to know that those backups are reliable and thorough which is what FileFort claims to do. FileFort is an easy to use file backup program that automatically backs up your business data to virtually any type of storage media including CD, DVD, Blu-ray and remote FTP servers.
The FileFort backup process can be fully automated to kick in at a time convenient to you although it's recommended that you do it overnight if it's a large amount of data as it can take a while. FileFort has obviously been designed with beginners or backup phobic in mind taking you through backups and scheduling of backups in easy steps. It's the flexibility of FileFort that possibly marks it out though - it can be run from your hard disk or network folder, uploaded to a remote FTP server using Fling FTP Software or written to a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disk using FileFort's own integrated "Express Burn" utility.
FileFort enables business users to perform through and automated backups to any medium while you concentrate on the more important aspects of running a business.
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